Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Apply for the 2015 Mandela Washington Fellowship for African Leadership. Deadline is November 5, 2014

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The U.S. government is inviting young African leaders to come to the United States in 2015 as Mandela Washington Fellows. Here is an unparalleled opportunity for you to:
 Interact with President Obama at a Presidential Summit in Washington, D.C.
 Participate in a 6-week leadership and mentoring program at a U.S. institution.
 Meet with U.S. government, civic, and business leaders.
 Be a part of a dynamic network and have opportunities for continued leadership and career enhancement.
Applications will be available October 7 - November 5, 2014. Learn more at Young African Leaders website
Apply now for the 2015 Mandela Washington Fellowship and be one of the 500 young leaders coming to the United States for a 6-week leadership and mentoring program, PLUS the opportunity to interact with President Obama. Don’t miss out! The applications for the 2015 Mandela Washington Fellowship will be available only from October 7 - November 5, 2014!
Meet peers and be part of an active network of dedicated young Africans committed to bring change to the continent! Improve your leadership skills through the 2015 Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders!